
“The year is 2033 – the ´world-ethics-award´ was initiated more than 10 years ago. With a large donation amounting to more than 250 Million € in 2032 Madame Caré, winner of the `world ethics award´ ensured that the last gaps in primary sanitary care in Africa could be closed.

In addition, due to the amount of the donation, she will now, 1 year on, receive a place on the list of “People of the Century”.  Every decade one of the major donators from the ranks of “world ethics award” prize winners will be selected and added to this list if the donation concerned is of particular dimension and of particular sustainability and reach at the same time.

What started off in 1998 in a circlet in the Federal Republic of Germany, has now achieved an enormous appeal of a special kind. The nomination alone for the “world ethics award” is considered in wealthy circles to be a unique distinction.”

In the year 2002 when wealthy citizens wrote to the Federal Chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, in an open letter requesting the reintroduction of the wealth tax, the sign was regrettably ignored.

Two years later the business tycoon and previous chief executive of Deutsche Bahn, Heinz Dürr, appealed to the wealthy people of the nation to set up foundations.  The elite in particular should „advocate a foundation culture and clearly display that they are prepared to make their own personal contribution towards creating a good future for Germany“. (ZEIT Nr. 38/2004)

Instead of taking up this impulse and finally bringing the debate on capital and ethics into wide society, the other media held back genteelly.

The current (ethics) discussion, brought about by the financial / economic crisis, is a clear sign that the time has come for the „world-ethics-award“.

Furthermore, we are sure that the ambitious print media as well as the broadcasting corporations governed by public law will accompany this development constructively and supportingly in accordance with their obligation to society.

In addition to the Nobel Prize and the Right Livelihood Award (alternative to the Nobel Prize) from now on the “world ethics award” is also to be awarded annually.  Donators, those establishing foundations and other honourable citizens whose generous financial commitment makes a special contribution towards easing the hardships of the disadvantaged persons on this earth are to be honoured.

In particular those people who make not only considerable financial commitments, but are also personally committed are to be given the award. Along the lines of “Do good and make it known”.